Senin, 16 November 2009


Dewi Novita Sitorus
Seventh Journal
Actually I will not talk about the history about Australia. However, it will talk about Australia too. It is the name of a film. In this film we can see many things about Australia. How is the land, how is the people, the social conflicts that usually happen there. It is a nice film. Once again I told you that it will not describe the beginning Australia, the founding of this continent. This film takes pace in Australia. The director said because the film will be more interesting. This film is well serve so that we can see how the condition of Australia in 1890s. How there is so many people who has just come from England that have to be jailed. As we all know that Australia for the very beginning is used for the prisoner because England “has been so full.”
This film begins with a beautiful woman who comes to see his husband to Australia. She comes from England. This beautiful woman is Nicole Kidman. At the first time she comes, she was very surprise with the life style of those people in Australia. She got a therapy shock. She meet with a many harsh men, may be the men has just got their freedom. Mrs. Nicole Kidman gets the underwear tragedy. It is very funny. Do not miss this part! Then, this story goes on. She will be delivered by a man that someday will be her love. In the way to the place, we can see the kangaroo. It is a beautiful thing, she said. In fact, kangaroo have height more than the adult man can. It is very tall. Kangaroo also just live in Australia. You will never find it anywhere except in the zoo. At the time she arrived, she got another shock. Her husband has just died. She feels very sad. The only purpose she comes is just to see his husband. She is very angry with those people there. In that place, she found a strange child. This children name is Nulla. He is loved by Nicole Kidman. The reason is may be because she can not pregnant anymore. She feels like Nulla is her child.

There is another side of Australia. Like in America, there is also racist between the immigrants. There is oppression to the Asian-Australia. It is proved in the history. They are usually worked very hard but they just get very little. In Australia there is a slogan WAP (White Anglo Saxon Policy), a little bit different with the America WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). Nulla’s mother died in one accident. He is so sad because it happens in order to safe Nulla and from this accident, Nulla getting closer with Lady Boss. The other interesting part from this film is about the love between Mrs. Ashley and Mr. Drover. At the first time they gather much kind of conflicts. However, there will a sweet love story afterwards.
In this film, we will also see the situation of the World War II. We will see how the Japan aggress Australia. As we all know that Australia is the common wealth of England. In World War I and II England also join the conflict. Australia as the common wealth also gathers the war. Even though they are nothing to do with the war, they have to. If we talk about story again, actually Australia is not agreed at all with the idea to join the war. Anyway, I will not make the summary of this film. I just want to make you a little bit curious with this story and will watch it. It is help me a lot about AEA’s history (America, Australia, and England), and I am sure that you will get the same advantage.

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